High stakes geopolitics on her plate: what will Wilkerson do?

Posted 30 October 2023

Betsy Wilkerson has been presented with a choice today:

  1. Rescind Spokane City Council’s unanimous support of the State of Israel, or

  2. Turn away the nation of Islam.

That’s how Naghmana Sherazi, self-described as the “voice of Spokane’s Muslim community” has presented Betsy’s options.

Demanding inclusivity, twice-failed city council candidate Naghmana Sherazi has successfully scheduled a private meeting with council members Betsy Wilkerson and Zack Zappone as published in Spokane FaVS.

Multiple authors, including Sherazi, contributed to the convoluted press release masquerading as a news story that announces,

“On Monday at noon she [Sherazi] and several community leaders will be speaking with Spokane City Council Members Betsy Wilkerson and Zack Zappone at City Hall in a private meeting. She will ask them to rescind the Pro-Israel resolution all members unanimously approved on Oct. 9.”

L to R: Sherazi, former council president Breean Beegs, and Betsy Wilkerson

Sherazi’s press release continues with her intentions for the private meeting,

“Sherazi, a Muslim who twice ran for City Council, will ask them to rewrite a more inclusive one in its place that contains Spokane’s Muslim and Palestinian voices and their concerns.

“The Council has a responsibility to be inclusive,” Sherazi said. “And without any political context [in the resolution] … it’s creating divisiveness in the community.”

Wilkerson, who is running for City Council President, says her leadership abilities are inspired by God.

Forced by Sherazi to resolve the Israel-Hamas war, Wilkerson is presented an opportunity to demonstrate Solomonic wisdom today.

Questions begin with process. We ask:

  • Will Wilkerson open today’s meeting to the Press and Public?

  • Will Wilkerson rescind the unanimous Council resolution supporting Israel?

  • Does Wilkerson agree with Sherazi who insists on a City of Spokane

“recognition of the genocide and extreme level of human rights violation by the Zionist government in Israel.”

While today’s meeting is private,“Sherazi said other leaders and organizations will also attend the meeting.

They include Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom Spokane, the Rev. Gen Heywood, the convener of Faith Leaders and Leaders of Conscience, the Rev. Walter Kendricks, co-founder of Spokane Community Against Racism (SCAR), NAACP Spokane, the Spokane Islamic Center, Spokane Public School Board Director Nikki Lockwood and others.”


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