Stuckart: Spokane’s 3-minute man loose with truth

Posted 18 December 2023

Ben Stuckart didn’t waste any time defending his gravy train = rumored undisclosed $50k in support of his lawsuit against the voter-popular Spokane prop. 1

Responding with a typical tirade letter-to-the-editor just a couple days after Sue Lani Madsen’s recent research piece in The Spokesman-Review dated Dec. 14, 2023, Ben “3-minute-man” Stuckart wrote:

“For all the super sleuthing they claim to have done, I logged on to the PDC website and in 3 minutes found the same items.”

Rather than complimenting Madsen for making it easy for Stuckart to verify her work, Stuckart shares:

“I am sure Sue Lani is not writing this drivel for free.” and, “Is it personal? That seems weird but her latest blog post (you can view here) about one of the foundations starts with “This is personal”... maybe, just maybe, she shouldn’t be given a platform in our daily paper for her personal issues.”

Sue Lani’s column can be found here.

Stuckart’s letter-to-the-editor can be found here.

Ben, has Ben disgraced through multiple ethics violations (see video below), might have “maybe, just maybe” spent more than three minutes looking into the facts before he clicked send on his letter. For instance:

Sue Lani Madsen wrote …

“Then there’s $90,000 to Spokane Community Against Racism PAC from Justice Not Jails on Oct. 11. Three days later, SCAR reported sending $89,910 to Seattle-based Our Votes Count PAC. According to Hedemark’s digging, Our Votes Count then reported spending over $13,000 on direct mail and canvassing to benefit Spokane mayoral candidate Lisa Brown, council president candidate Betsy Wilkerson and other Spokane council candidates.”

Stuckart retorted …

“Or is the issue that a PAC that “gets the vote out” did their job during an election cycle for both the “No New Jails” campaign and they were hired at the same time to do the same thing by individual campaigns? Having multiple clients is normal and in no way nefarious.”

Ben … if you are reading and have the patience and fortitude for more than three minutes, please explain your claim that the PAC that “gets out the vote” which is the “Our Votes Count” PAC, reports no income from individual campaigns.

Our Votes Count Reported Expenditures 2023.

Our Votes Count Reported “Independent” Expenditures 2023.

Our Votes Count Income 2023. NO individual campaigns “hired” the PAC.

Perhaps also Ben, could you please take three minutes and help us understand a rumored $50,000 that was spent by Empire Health Foundation or Empire Health Community Advocacy Fund to support your ill-advised and failed attempt to stop Spokane’s proposition one in the courts?

Maybe, just maybe, you Ben can take another three minutes, to explain your close funding relationship with Empire Health Foundation? Did the money go to you Ben? To Julie Garcia or directly to your lawyer?


Wilkerson calls citizens’ volunteer ethics commission “broken”


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